Beauty Tutorials

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Micro French Manicure? Oui, Oui, Oui, Oui!

Flawless Winter Nails: The Rise of the Micro French Manicure Winter 2025 nail trends are officially here, and let me tell you—it’s all about chic simplicity! 🌟 Neutral tones are making their mark as the season’s ultimate statement, but there’s one standout look that’s stealing my heart: the classic French …

Micro French Manicure? Oui, Oui, Oui, Oui! Continue Reading

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My Visit to Henry Jacques Beverly Hills: A Journey Through Elegance and Fragrance

Tucked away in the charming Via Rodeo in Beverly Hills, the Henry Jacques boutique is more than just a store—it’s an immersive experience that combines luxury, artistry, and a touch of Parisian magic. Walking past its elegant façade, the words “Henry Jacques Parfumerie Française” immediately sparked my curiosity,

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hair tutorial: CURL HAIR WITH A STRAIGHTENER (video)

I’ll admit it, I don”t know how to curl hair with a straightener. But thankfully, my lovely hairdresser Roberto does. I hope this hair tutorial helps you all as much as it helped me. I’m grateful to him for allowing me to film him creating this amazing curls

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I’m sure this is nothing new anymore, but this video I made back in 2015! Back when blogging was fairly new and there were just a handful of us roaming the inter webs & Instagram. Before the explosion of the modern day Influencer, we were all just known

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Manicure idea: highlighter neon nails

Looking for an idea amp up your next manicure? A nail trend I love and always will are highlighter neon nails. Whether one-tone or a French, neon is sure to brighten up your day! Today’s post is a new series dedicated to ever-growing beauty trend of nail designs.

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