I’m sure this is nothing new anymore, but this video I made back in 2015! Back when blogging was fairly new and there were just a handful of us roaming the inter webs & Instagram. Before the explosion of the modern day Influencer, we were all just known as bloggers. This whole world became a fiasco over time & now it’s quite intense, even for me. However, I love it. It allows me to be creative, explore who I am, connect with other people from all around the world, work with my favorite brands and just be authentically me.
This video, is faaaarrr from who I am, but it’s definitely a fun take on what it’s like to go on a date with an influencer. Keep in mind this video was filmed in 2015, so perhaps I’ll have to recreate an update version? Let me know your thoughts below!
Oh, and don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE to my YOUTUBE channel! I am in the process of re-launching it with tons of new videos on beauty, hair, style, wellness, mental health & so many more topics. I’m so excited to share new this chapter of the blog & YouTube with you.
Dating a blogger is not for the faint of heart! What are you waiting for? PRESS PLAY!