

Embrace the Wet-Hair Trend: The Perfect Summer Hairstyle

Summer hairstyles should be both chic and practical, making the slicked-back or wet-hair look perfect for the season. These styles offer an effortless elegance that keeps you cool and polished even on the hottest days. With minimal effort, you can achieve a sophisticated appearance that’s ideal for both …

Embrace the Wet-Hair Trend: The Perfect Summer Hairstyle Continue Reading

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Do you dream of hair so replenished you don’t have to stress about it every morning? Yes, you heard that. TOKIO INKARAMI is probably the best kept haircare product out there on the beauty market today. How did I discover this breakthrough Japanese hair technology? Right here in

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Holy moly. I think I FINALLY discovered my new favorite designer resale site. I’ve been to them all, but you don’t always know what you’re getting sometimes, and that’s always something that has deterred me from buying from most online designer resale sites. I discovered VESTIAIRE COLLECTIVE and

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pajama party with Loomstead

This post involves two of my favorite things: friendship and bedding. The first may be obvious as friendships are so essential and without friends, life would be pretty boring. The latter I’m sure made you go “ehhh?”. Well, I love to sleep. I also love really cozy, soft,

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Lady in Europe

I have OFFICIALLY moved to Luxembourg! It’s such a wild change and adjusting is becoming a little hard but at the end of the day, it’s such an exciting adventure. I moved here for one of the most cliché reasons, but in my heart, the best reason; love.

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