Street Style


Lady in Europe

I have OFFICIALLY moved to Luxembourg! It’s such a wild change and adjusting is becoming a little hard but at the end of the day, it’s such an exciting adventure. I moved here for one of the most cliché reasons, but in my heart, the best reason; love. …

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sheer black top

I’m pretty positive based on what I’ve been seeing for all the Spring/Sumer 17′ collections that dresses over pants is going to soon become a big trend. But before that happens, I’ll be starting with wearing a long-top over my pants to slowly ease into it. I have

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furry sandals

Happy Sunday! Today I’m actually super excited to set this of images shot by my friend, the ultra-talented Vincent. We went to the Platform in Culver City to get some coffee from one of my favorite coffee houses, Blue Bottle, and ended up using the entire space as

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autumn vibes

Alas, it’s October 9th and there is still no sign of Fall here in Los Angeles. Thankfully, that hasn’t stopped me from wearing any fall appropriate clothing. I have come to terms that coats and anything stylishly warm will not be happening for me over here so I must

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Rekindled romance | burgundy skirt

You know when you’re packing for a trip and and go deep into your closet to find pieces you’ve worn once, like, three years ago? Well, today’s outfit is basically that. As I was packing to come here to Istanbul, I was stumped at how many things I

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