Summertime…and the living is easy…
I’ve been pretty inconsistent with doing my blog posts as of late as work as has been super busy, I’ve been traveling all over the place, and dealing with my first loss. It’s safe to say that this month has been absolutely one of the most challenging months to date. I lost my beloved dog, more like child, Seker on June 10th at 3:45 am. Just 24 hours after a magical experience in Paris. I am still mourning and learning how to cope with this loss while trying to enjoy life and not be sad, but it’s extremely difficult. I’ll be creating a dedicated blog post about my struggles with loss when the time is right. I’ve been journaling and writing in order to help me release my feelings during this chaotic time. The one phrase that truly sticks with me during this time is that “it’s better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all”. I can’t even explain how much I connect to this statement.
Loving a pet is so unconditional, it’s pure. Seker was my angel, my child, my best friend. I can honestly say loving her brought so much joy to my heart. Regardless of the struggle I am going through now, I remind myself of the good memories and the love to keep me going. I’m nervous but excited to share with you all deeper and more meaning blogposts. I know they may be heavy but I figured it’s better to be authentic with who you are and how you feel than to pretend that life is this peachy keen realm that nothing terrible can ever penetrate. Thank you guys for always being there for me and for accepting me.
On a lighter note, I’m super stoked to be sharing today’s look with you. I’m really all about blush/pink tones right now because the color is so versatile and it looks so incredibly chic. I bought this faux pink leather mini skirt from Forever 21 (I still love that store!) and instantly envisioned a super retro look with an off shoulder blouse and chunky heels. Voila. I brought my vision to life, and I am so excited about this outfit that I would love to have it on repeat if I could get away with it.

Lace Up Off Shoulder Blouse, Chunky Strap Heels & Pink Leather Mini Skirt: Forever 21