

Cold as Ice

I love icy cool hues as they just really pop in any look. I’m wearing this amazing metallic speck blue cardigan that I just can’t seem to get enough lately. I paired it with some leatherette skinnies, a chunky crystal necklace & my Thomas Wylde crystal skull handbag. …

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La Vie en Noir et Blanc

This outfit was inspired by Kim Kardashian. I don’t typically like to emulate celebrity looks but sometimes a celebrity will wear something that truly catches my eye and I can’t help but want to re-create it (but also make it achievable for all women). I’m a sucker for

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Bundled Up

If you’ve been keeping up with Paris street style then you’ll notice the new trend that’s been carrying it’s way from Paris to New York to Los Angeles. I don’t typically like to re-create trends to a T but for some reason I found this trend a challenge.

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Oxblood, Velvet & Peplum.

I’m loving the oxblood trend and what better way to take an edgy leather pant than to pair it with some girly peplum. The look is still edgy as the peplum top is structured and the sequins are actually velvet. I love to make my outfits feminine with

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Layering Leather

I recently did a video shoot this amazing online store called Shop Publik and during the shoot I was able to basically try on and create outfits. This is one of my favorite looks I created with them. Leather on leather can look very aggressive but not only

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