Turning __ (a lady never tells) was the best birthday I’ve ever had. Not only was I completely surprised by my boyfriend (who took me on a surprise weekend to Palm Springs) but also I was able to just relax. Words can’t really explain how fantastic and special this birthday really was.
I had a full day at school and after class we drove to Palm Springs, stopped for some delicious Chinese food on the way, and then listened to some cool live music while sipping on some delicious cocktails. The next day, we went to this place called Pinocchio’s and had bottomless champagne. After, we spent the day in the hot tub relaxing followed by a delicious dinner and some bar hopping through the town.
Hope you enjoy my images!
Oh, and how adorable and perfect is this bouquet of flowers?
Sweater: Forever 21, Shoes: Zara, Shredded Shorts: Urban Outfitters
Sweater: Urban Outfitters, Shoes: Zara
A special thank you to my amazing boyfriend…